5. Watering Schedule
Initial Establishment (First 4–6 Weeks)
Keep the root zone moist but not waterlogged. In Ballarat, rainfall may reduce the need for daily watering, but check soil moisture regularly—especially in drier summer periods. For the first week after planting we recommend moving the mulch at the base of the tree and testing soil moisture, by grabbing a handful of dirt and visually checking it is moist. Once you do this for a week, you should start to learn how your soil is reacting to watering and you can adjust your watering to suit.
Aim for deep watering (allowing water to penetrate 20–30 cm into the soil) at least 1–3 times per week, adjusting frequency based on local rainfall and soil drainage.
Next 6–12 Months
Gradually reduce watering frequency to about once per week, ensuring water penetrates deeply to encourage deeper root growth.
Monitor weather; during extended hot or dry spells, you might need to water more often.
Long-Term Care (Year 2 and Beyond)
Once established, most trees need watering mainly during prolonged dry periods (drought, heatwaves). Check soil moisture and observe foliage for signs of stress (wilting, curling, browning leaves).